Books Rock! Contest
Decide the length of time the contest will take place
Decide rock requirements
Must it include specific elements?
Must both sides be included in the contest?
Where will students be required to turn in their completed rocks?
Produce flyers with information on the turn-in date, date of judging, requirements for the rock painting entries, and prizes for winners
Request time to announce the contest on the morning/afternoon announcements
Discuss the contest and its requirements with students during their scheduled library time
Create and produce flyers
Select a team of judges
Acquire prizes (either using budget money or through donations)
If using a budget, select items to purchase and create a PO to be submitted
If requesting donations, reach out to volunteers or PTO for donations
Determine the needed amount of rocks for students who participate in the contest
Purchase or obtain donated rocks
Paint a rock to match a character or scene from a picture book that will be read to students.
Begin promoting the contest by announcing that the library will host a Books Rock! contest.
Place flyers for patrons to take in an accessible location in the library
Supply homeroom teachers with fliers for their students to take home
Read a preselected picture book to students.
After reading the book, show students the painted rock you created depicting a character from the book (or a scene from the book).
Share with students information about the Books Rock! contest, including the requirements for entering the contest
Share information on how the rocks will be judged and what the winner's prize(s) will be
Pass out materials to students who are interested in participating in the contest
More students will be drawn into the library
Provides a creative outlet for students who might not participate in other school activities
Promotes a positive relationship between library personnel and students
Promotes a positive relationship between library personnel and staff