Thursday, January 26, 2023

Quick Idea #2 - The Technology Tail


The Technology Tail

Grade Level: 3-5

Information & 21st Century Skill Objectives:

ISTE Standard 2.a: Students cultivate and manage their digital identity and reputation and are aware of the permanence of their actions in the digital world.

-a copy of The Technology Tail: A Digital Footprint Story by Julia Cook
-white paper
-crayons/markers/colored pencils
- Word Wall for terms (digital identity, digital footprint, evidence, hints, path, remains, remnants, traces, trail)

Instructional Procedures:

  • Share with students the Word Wall that has been created and discuss what each word means to them. Continue the discussion by asking students how the words might relate to technology.
  • Introduce The Technology Tail by Julia Cook and tell students they will be learning about ways to protect their digital identity and how they leave a digital footprint.
  • After the read-aloud, ask students to share with their shoulder partner something that really stood out to them or something that they learned from the story.
  • Follow up the story with a discussion about how the main character learns about their digital identity and digital footprint.
  • Explain to the students that they will create a poster depicting the importance of maintaining their reputation and keeping their identity private on the internet.
  • Supply students with the materials listed above to create their individual posters to display for their school community to view.
Suggested Instructional Strategies:

  • Close read
  • Modeling
  • Realia
  • Word wall
  • As students are working, conference with each student about their ideas for their poster. Through individual conversations, an formative analysis of students' comprehension will be formed.

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