Monday, June 20, 2022

Beautiful Blackbird

Book Review of 



Bryan, A. (2003). Beautiful blackbird. Atheneum Books for Young Readers. 

ISBN 9780689847318

Plot Summary

A beautiful lone blackbird is invited to a festival in the forest with other colorful birds. The leader, Ringdove, calls upon all the birds to vote on who is most beautiful. Blackbird is chosen as the most beautiful and soon all the birds want to be painted with a spot of black to look more like him. Blackbird agrees but gently reminds them that true beauty comes from within. 

Critical Analysis

Ashley Bryan’s adaption of a tale from the Ila-speaking people of Zambia is a striking piece of work. The use of rhythm and song, combined with the vibrant cut-out paper artwork makes for an unforgettable read. Delving deeper into the meaning of beauty, cultural elements seep out through the use of song and dance and enhance the theme of beauty being within. Readers of all ages will come back to this book, again and again, to experience its richness. 

Review Excerpt(s)
Bryan's lilting and magical language is infectious. - Publisher’s Weekly
This unusual and little-known pourquoi tale may supplement larger collections and serves as a thoughtful and entertaining addition to units on self-esteem. - School Library Journal

For additional activities related to the book:
  • Children learn about the author and artist Ashley Bryan after reading Beautiful Blackbird.
  • Provide colorful construction paper or card stock to allow children to exercise fine motor skills by tracing and cutting out bird templates. Children will then plan on how to arrange all of their pieces to have a balanced work of art to be reflective/similar to the front of the book.
  • Have children practice what they think are the different dances mentioned within the book.
  • Have children create an origami bird
Other recommended books if you liked this one:
  • A Big Mooncake for Little Star by Grace Lin
  • Freedom in Congo Square by Carole Boston Weatherford
  • A Different Pond by Bao Phi

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Young Adult Literature Reviews