Thursday, March 9, 2023

Book Recommendations via Podcasts and Book Trailers

Multiple Day Programming 

Book Recommendations via Podcasts and Book Trailers

**Recommended for upper grades 


  • Decide the approximate time frame for students to engage in this activity

  • Decide on the type of platform to be used (podcasting and/or book trailer creator)

  • Discuss with teachers if there are any cross-curricular connections that can be used while engaging in this activity


  • Verbal promotion among teachers to aid in tying in cross-curricular material

  • Verbal promotion among students prior to the start of the multiday lesson

  • Create a flyer and/or add information to social media websites


  • Ensure accessibility to the correct amount of operating computers or Chromebooks for students 

  • Gather information about how podcasts or book trailers are created

  • Verify and become familiar with how the podcast recording site or book trailer creator will be used (including the need to register or log in to the website) and determine if students will be able to download a personal copy of the transcript or video

  • Create a podcast or book trailer prior to beginning the lesson with students so that they may see what the end product may look or sound like. 

  • Create a virtual space for students to share their creations

  • Create a virtual space for students to leave reviews on other student's creations. 

  • Provide a space for students to record their podcast (if chosen to create one) so that noise will not be an issue during recording


  • Day 1

    • Discuss with students what podcasts and book trailers are. Ask the following questions: 

      • Are you familiar with these types of media?

      • Are you currently using them? 

      • If you do use them, how so? 

      • How frequently do you utilize podcasts and book trailers? 

      • Do you value the information you receive from using these types of media? 

    • Discuss what elements are generally included in podcasts and book trailers. 

      • Ask why people may like them.

    • Share with students that they will be making their own podcast or book trailer about books they have read and want to recommend to their peers. 

    • To build excitement over the project, share with students the book trailer and podcast you have created. 

    • If time allows, provide students with a concept map to begin planning their own podcast or book trailer. 

  • Day 2

    • Begin the lesson by sharing a podcast and/or book trailer. 

      • Discuss the elements they find appealing

    • Have students share some of the ideas they came up with for their own projects. 

    • Share with students the website that will be used for creating a book recommendation podcast. 

      • Podbean ( is a simple podcasting website to use for free to get students started. 

      • Creating a video tutorial for this type of project prior to the lesson would be a great idea. This would free up time during the library lesson for the librarian to help students get started sooner. 

    • Share with students the website that will be used for creating a book recommendation book trailer. 

      • Animoto ( is a great website to get started with teaching students how to create a book trailer. 

      • Creating a video tutorial for this type of project prior to the lesson would be a great idea. This would free up time during the library lesson for the librarian to help students get started sooner. 

    • Allow students time to continue building their plans. 

    • Provide students access to desktops or Chromebooks to begin creating their projects. 

  • Day 3

    • Provide students access to desktops or Chromebooks to begin or continue creating their projects.

      • Students will need to log in to desired programs using their school email

      • Allow students time to become familiar with the program options. 

      • If possible, lead students through the creation process again by displaying the screen on an interactive whiteboard. 

      • Students may begin creating their own projects once comfortable navigating the program. 

  • Day 4

    • Provide students access to desktops or Chromebooks to continue creating their projects.

      • Assist in accessing the website if necessary and logging in 

    • Allow students time to continue creating their projects and provide guidance as needed.

    • When students are ready, assist them in printing a copy of their script or downloading a copy of their final product. 

  • Day 5

    • Some students may still need to finish their projects. Allow those students to finish their creations. 

      • While others wait, students may begin reviewing others' projects. 

        • This will require students to share their creations. A common virtual access board will be needed for the sharing of projects. 

    • Once all students have finished creating and printing or downloading their final copies of the projects, students may continue viewing their creations. 

    • Provide students with access to leave a comment on the project they have listened to or viewed.

      • Remind students to be kind and only leave positive remarks about workmanship 


  • Provides an opportunity for the librarian to collaborate with teachers 

  • Provides students with a creative outlet

  • Provides students an opportunity to view/use media they may not have in the past

  • Provides students the opportunity to learn about different technology tools

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